

SEVENTEEN - No Flex Zone

禁止炫耀區域  禁止炫耀區域

No flex zone, no flex zone
他們了解更多  他們了解更多
They know better, they know better
禁止炫耀區域  禁止炫耀區域
No flex zone, no flex zone
他們了解更多  他們了解更多
They know better, they know better
Won a gold medal and a gold bezel
我特別對待那些XX  而你現在妒忌了
I treat these hoes special, now ya ho jealous
那些怪胎XX  有好幾個  幾十個甚至更多
Freak hoes, got several, they tens or better
而我則是潮流指標  是個進取的神人
I'm a trendsetter, I'm a go-getter!

無論你如何絞盡腦汁  你還是在小孩戲水的程度
Even if you’re trying to think deeply, you’re still at the level (of kid) who plays with water
跟我白鬥一場  你根本一竅不通  你還是趕快適應和吸收我高強的押韻吧
Picked a fight for nothing,  you can’t understand a single thing; just hurry try to get used to my noble rhyme and absorb it uh.
我還未出道  但已經完美準備好在演唱會一展身手  演一整年也難不倒我
I haven’t debut yet, however I’m perfectly prepared for performing on a concert, I can do it for all year round.
與泥土下的季候雨水相比  你付出努力所流的汗水也只是垃圾
Compared with monsoon rains inside the underground, the sweat that you shed is just a waste.
We don’t have our own ‘area’.
因為無論我們身處何地  所有人都會來捧場
Wherever we are, everyone turn up.
我們完美侵佔了朝鮮八省 那現在就來重排階等吧
We perfectly invaded all 8 provinces of Joseon* (the 8 provinces of Korea) so organize the hierarchy again.
你受不住看到我們的成功  所以你想剝開外皮知道更多  我們看透心計就如拆解算數一樣一眼即破
You can’t stand the sight of us being success so you try to peel it ; a mental calculation just like a solved math problem is visible.
如果你想剝開那就來剝開吧  但我們就像洋蔥--你剝得愈多 最終承受的痛楚就愈多 流下苦澀的淚水
If you want to peel, then peel it. We’re like an onion -the more you peel, the more you feel the pain-in the end,  you’ll shed a bitter tears.
禁止炫耀區域  儘管你問我是誰  你也不會得到答案
No flex zone, Although you ask who am I, you won’t get an answer.
Everyone already tasted me* (means tasted his wrath).
壞話都在別人背後說  但我都當著面說  什麼?
Speak ill of others behind their back, but in front of them, what?
那些認為我當面說壞話只是虛張聲勢的傢伙  你們都是同出一轍---都是失敗者
All the guys who (thinks) they are all-that because their bluff,  you’re all the same- a loser.
我是漂亮的偶像  而且還年輕
I’m a pretty idol, and I’m still young.
儘管如此  我還是值得拿五星
But I deserve 5 stars.
這就是我 就像San-E Hyung  每個歌詞都靈活又押韻
That’s me Just like San-E Hyung, each of my words are flexible and rhymed.
像鞦韆一樣  我從不手下留情  就像推土機般一推推到底
Just like Swings, I don’t show mercy and just push like a bulldozer until the end.
我進步的可能性是100%  我還是個正在研發中的RAP實驗體
My possibility to improve is 100%. I’m a rap specimen who’s still under research and development.
掛在低調和過火線中間的 也許就是我的選擇
Drawing line in between under and over, what’s hanging in between them; might be my choice.

禁止炫耀區域  禁止炫耀區域
No flex zone, no flex zone
他們了解更多  他們了解更多
They know better, they know better
禁止炫耀區域  禁止炫耀區域
No flex zone, no flex zone
他們了解更多  他們了解更多
They know better, they know better
Won a gold medal and a gold bezel
我特別對待那些XX  而你現在妒忌了
I treat these hoes special, now ya ho jealous
那些怪胎XX  有好幾個  幾十個甚至更多
Freak hoes, got several, they tens or better
而我則是潮流指標  是個進取的神人
I'm a trendsetter, I'm a go-getter!

這是我的領土  而我就是攻擊方
This is my area and I’m an assailant.
棋盤上的國王 滿懷自信
King in chess board, filled with overflowing confident.
我的車  因為我不顧一切地讓它前進四步  結果就遭遇不幸了
My rook* (chesspiece rook), I recklessly make it goes forward 4 steps and get misfortune.
重新開始棋局  均分棋子  要是你要求跟著規則玩
Play the game again, split the chesspiece; if you ask to play with a rule,
那麼你看到我非必要時也不會使出的指揮力  肯定會害怕  不錯的反抗啊
You’ll get frightened when you see my power of command that I don’t unnecessarily play. Nice rebellion uh.
Get the feeling , before you lost your perfect condition.
歡呼是勝者才做的  所以沒你的份  滾蛋吧
Cheers that only done by the winners, there’s no place for you so get lost.
別唸L 把它唸R  
Pronounce it as ‘R’ not ‘L’.
我不跟隨法則  因為我就是創始者
I don’t practice the LAW. I’m RAW.
如果要在傷害和被傷害兩者中選一個  我不會逃避  並且會去做一切我沒嘗試過做的事
If I have to choose between harmed and doing harm, I will not avoid and do all things that I haven’t try.
我不吸煙  但只要有我出現就能燃燒起來
I don’t smoke, but I can make fire with my presence.
我將節奏掌弄如流  就算不小心失了算  人們還是會醉心
I ride the beat, and although I lost my measurement, everyone enjoy it.
All the other guys will be struggling as hell because of jealousy
我不接受男人的關心 倒接受角力
I don’t receive man’s interest, but I do receive arm-bar.
I’ve mastered the martial arts of beat.
In the other HOOK dimension,
在你被我擊潰之前  滾出我的視線
Before you get KNOCK DOWN, get out of my sight bro.

禁止炫耀區域  禁止炫耀區域
No flex zone, no flex zone
他們了解更多  他們了解更多
They know better, they know better
禁止炫耀區域  禁止炫耀區域
No flex zone, no flex zone
他們了解更多  他們了解更多
They know better, they know better
Won a gold medal and a gold bezel
我特別對待那些XX  而你現在妒忌了
I treat these hoes special, now ya ho jealous
那些怪胎XX  有好幾個  幾十個甚至更多
Freak hoes, got several, they tens or better
而我則是潮流指標  是個進取的神人

英文歌詞來源English Lyrics By : hyemingyu (Tumblr)


XX是不雅字  我就不翻了

SEVENTEEN出道前的RAP曲  改自歌曲: Rae Sremmurd - No Flex Zone 
影片中五人為S.Coups Vernon Mingyu Wonwoo Dino(Chan)

中文歌詞是跟英文翻的  但沒跟足來翻   因為我知道英文歌詞也有點翻錯





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